內部引用此文章 》 外部引用網址: 由於外部引用的廣告太多,暫時關閉外部引用的功能 !!
留言於2007/1/21 上午 12:49:27

Dear day690214, I am sorry I can't type in Chinese. I think you have to clean up some hard drive space(空間) of your computer. Try this method: 1. Click your taskbar "START" > 2. "ACCESSORIES" > 3. "SYSTEM TOOLS" > 4. "DISK CLEAN UP". Before clean up, you need to consider which files are useless or never use any more, clean up sone space. After clean up, next step to do is::"DISK DEFRAGMENT"; This step is rearrange (重新整理;重新佈置;重新排列)all the files of your computer. After "DISK DEFRAGMENT", your computer woll run faster and smoother too. The "DISK DEFRAGMENT" step is repeat #1 to #3, then > 4. "DISK DEFRAGMENTER", keep in mins that the process of "DISK DEFRAGMENT" take a long time to complete (完成), be patient! (需要耐心的) It may takes more than an hour to complete. I hope all the above step will help you, good luck. *Note: > next step. R35867--USA, Leung Chung Po
非常謝謝你,我瞭解你的意思,但我從沒這樣做過,我這幾天會抽出時間試試看! Thank you very much.
呵~ HDDLife ... 數據僅供參考..... 效能值也可能受電腦其它零件 和當時有執行的程式影響
不好意思嘿~ ^^
Dear adarque:
不會不好意思啦~ 你跟我講 是讓我又多瞭解一件事啊!!!
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