我的部落格- 手札部落格
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Mixed Picture   (點閱919928)
器材分類:Contax / 傳統單眼 / 其它    日期:2007/1/10

Dear all:

I want to ask the question, I have used the some software to modify the pic. I feel it is OK in my computer. But I upload to the " 手 札 " the pic's resolution and " 量度都有些差 " I have no idea why ?

Did anybody could reply to me.


Take for example,"Leica version of - 長白山" ,.I do not take any modification, I just upload the file from my compuet. That is so much beatiful in my computer than I upload in "手 札相簿" I have no idea why threre are some different for the pic's quality?



Most of pictures has taken in Japan. The latter, I take in Taiwan.

Cherry Tree





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shinji1 留言於2007/1/10 下午 09:38:21  

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