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留言於2007/1/3 上午 01:36:24

Dear niilife, Thanks for sharing the beautiful photos. Happy New Year to you! R35867--USA, Leung Chung Po
Nice to meet you Welcome to my BLOG,I'm so happy^^ Happy New Year to you!
Dear srchen1 Thanks you meet my Blog Your photos are so beautiful!
Dear Niilife: Thanks for your kindly inspiriation. I have seen your all articles, I like it very much. Not noly did the scenery,but also the "人像", You have taken a good photo. I am still in learning progress. I just bought Canon 5d and 85 mm F1.2 yesterday. I have said , I just leran how to take a photo for the "人像" Hoping, I will have a opportunity to consult from you. Thanks Yous Sincerely Mike Chen
Dear srchen1 Welcom to discuss with each other! I see you join i-photo activity.It's a good experience. Portrait photography just a kind of photography,I like scenery,construction,portrait ...etc. IT's my favorite hobby and enjoy it. This my MSN:niilife@hotmail.com Welcome to join me! Thanks a lot!
留言於2007/1/4 上午 12:10:54

Dear Niilife, Thanks for your reply, I enjoy to see your 人像 photos, they are excellent. I am a self-learning solo photographer, I didn't join any photo club in USA, except this one; therefore, I can share my photos and see other 會員 photos. If you have a chance, you are welcome to my photo album: (please let me know how you think, give me any good or bad comments, thanks in advance) http://dgphoto.photosharp.com.tw/DGPHOTO/Albums.aspx?Author=R35867
R35867--USA, Leung Chung PO
Dear niilife: This month, I won the new particpant for the "手扎新人獎" 本月最佳新人獎為 srchen1;最佳網路會員獎為 fu jen;最佳 VIP 獎為 【十面埋伏】;最佳評議顧問為 c0466 Share my joy to you. Mike
Congratulations! Srchen1 Great for you^^
留言於2007/1/6 下午 06:17:08

恩 有機會多交流^^
留言於2007/1/8 上午 10:03:11

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