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像我, 外出拍照我是不會去更動任何的東西的, 破壞構圖及畫面...??? 一樣能構圖啦, 只是有沒有完美罷了, 國外有幾位攝影藝術大師, 拍照是很嚴格要求自己絕對不能更動任何東西的^^ 共勉之....^^
留言於2006/12/28 上午 07:12:27

Dear day690214, I think shinji1 made a good point, shot everything @ original, you can go around and look for better picture on different angles; that is I always shoot photos by looking aroung and feeling. R35867--USA, Leung Chung Po
我也有這支 看了您的大作 實在對它太有信心了 不過 是不是能像您一樣好技術 就不知了!
Dear shinji1: 我也是呀! 我都是盡量拍 能拍就拍~拍不到就算了! 我覺得拍出好照片 也是需要緣份的~對吧!
Dear R35867:
You are right. I shoot butterflies, always stay and don't move. Let the butterfly near me. A place, I always walk up and down. Lie on the ground shooting. Sit on the ground shooting. I once kneel on the ground, the knee kneel a dog's dung.
Dear andykth: 謝謝您的讚美 我喜歡您的這句話:『選擇令自己有感覺的角度』 :)
Dear lunghua: 會的!你拍的一定比我更好更好! 拍出照片再分享給我看哦! 一定哦!!!
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